I seriously don't know how to review this book.For me it was a different experience reading this book.This is my first time reading this kind of book.Shark and the wolf is a great mixture of both fun and mystery where only in this book the villains include the humans to the animals.I think the author loves animals so much that is why he has made main characters such as Shark, wolf, Dog Z Boy, foxie Vixen, etc.I felt like the first few pages were little boring and also had few issues like for example, the abnormal love between the animals.But i was totally able to drop this as it could spoil me reading the book entirely.Despite that it was a fun experience reading the book.I liked Shark and Vixen as a couple.When Old Jack beat Vixen so badly, i sympathized for her and Shark.But i also hated Vixen so much in the first place as it was all her mistake and stupidity that led to their friends captivation by Old Jack and Shaw.But I loved the way the author has let his imagination flow throughout the book.After reading this book i got the full satisfaction of watching a good animation movie.The ending was very cute with deceased Dog z boy's three pups playing with Shark.Finally, I have to thank the author for two things-First -for giving me a signed paperback copySecond-for taking me to a different world set around animals.