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Periodical Gazette

This blog is dedicated to both fiction and non-fiction. My personal favorites in fiction are mainly contemporary romance, suspense thriller,  historical fiction and YA then in non-fiction, I love to review inspirational, self-improvement and finance related books. I review outside these genres also because of the fact I love to read.

Shift: Innovation That Disrupts Markets, Topples Giants, and Makes You #1

Shift: Innovation That Disrupts Markets, Topples Giants and Makes You #1 - Jagan Nemani This book is a must read for all those people who are thinking about starting their own business concern or have started it but are struggling to taste success.This book is definitely worth buying. There are many great tricks and tips to learn from the book. Even for a person who don't know much about business, this will be a complete learning guide. In terms of language, it is simple and well written. The author's intellectual ability will amuse readers of all sort of genres. The introduction of the book begins with the author quitting his job as a Management Consultant at Deloitte to start his own energy efficiency business where people can save their electricity usage, gas usage, get relevant tips, and save energy as a community. It began well but drastically failed in the year , 2010, when Microsoft Hohm which also had the same idea as his but focused on saving an individual's energy failed two years later. This failure made him to think deeper and deeper, why the business was a total failure. His idea was new and very innovative, if the consumers had found it useful, there would be surprisingly a reduced carbon emissions in the environment. The answer to their failure was simple as this. They focused on innovation from the perspective of technology rather than finding out how the customer would experience that technology.After researching, he found a nine factor customer experience framework which can be applied to almost all industries .These include price, availability, service, quality, fashion, social responsibility, brand, etc. He has also discussed it in detail in the seven chapter book to help all the budding entrepreneurs.Shift: Innovation that disrupts markets topless giants and makes you #1 is not really a book to skim through. There is so much to learn from it. We can learn about poor customer experience, some of the examples might even feel like we have experienced it before.Inside the book we can find many elaborate details of successful companies with numerous charts and figures and the reason to why they all succeeded. Blockbuster, Netflix, Redbox, Amazon, Fab are some of the notable companies that are worth mentioning from the book.It also covers most of the industries and has amazing facts about the companies we deal with our day-to-day life. Healthcare , pharmaceutical , Airline and Online industries are just to name a few.The answer to the big question, why customers chose a particular company to satisfy their needs and wants rather than from its competitors lies in the book.The source to those websites in which the author got the information he needed can be found under the respective pages which gives the readers to search it later on the net for more details.All business students and aspiring business owners should get this book to have a thorough knowledge of Innovation and customer experience because the final chapter deals with the overview of how to deliver a best-in class customer experience.